Bloody Martini

...because spice is better than champagne

2:48 PM


Posted by Parker |

Time managing is, from my point of view, one of the hardest thing to do. I have no idea how people do it to go to work, meet friends and even find time to cook good food and go to the gym! I'm pretty sure I'll grow a "work" belly if things continue the way they are. I'm there, in front of my computer, looking at the screen and editing my pictures in a robotic way, not even noticing that my back is curved so badly that I look like the Hunchback of Notre-Dame. The reason why I'm working so much, is that I've been out with friends after work for over two weeks, which made me very late on every task I had to do.

The thing is, I sleep. I have my 8 hours, but maybe I should give some up to work more? Get things done? Now I understand why so many of us end up sleeping 5 hours or less. They do try to have a life and do their assignments.

I also tried the no-sleep thing, but then afterward you lose a complete day sleeping in! BARRH!

So I see myself being jealous of people with social lives, and of people with a completely busy work life. Why can't we have it all, oh why? Please tell me? I think the only solution to this problem is : get rich, hire a personal assistant for you to delegate task to, and go out after a boring 9 to 5!


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